Tuesday 16 April 2013

April 15 Menindee Lakes – Tilpa – Louth

April 15 Menindee Lakes – Tilpa – Louth

"The Darling Run" saw the river boats going up the Darling from Wentworth, Pooncarie, Menindee, Willcannia, Tilpa, Louth then to Bourke. Brewarrina and Walgett. Today  we continued our journey as close to the Darling as we could. Arrived in Tilpa about lunch time and after a quick look at the town, decided to continue on to Louth. We are camped next to the pub and on the banks of the Darling. The road up was all dirt but was a reasonable dirt road.  Not long since it was graded. Lots of bull dust though.
This evening, Jo & I walked to the cemetery to see the Celtic Cross. It is made of marble and was a memorial to the wife of the man who established Louth. It apparently radiates light with the evening sunlight but as it was very cloudy, we did not see the radiating light. However, we had a magnificent rainbow that light up the sky and made an arc over the cross. En-route to the cemetery, we met up with “Fantastic Mr Fox” who was making his way towards the town. Was pretty skinny. 

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