Tuesday 2 April 2013

April 2 Loxton/Renmark/Paringa/Berri

We are currently in Loxton in SA. We are staying in a huge caravan park on the banks of the Murray River. We stayed on the banks of the Darling River in Wentworth and that was the best camp site that we have had so far. Can't get over the number of house boats that are anchored along the river but there do not seem to be too many being used. 
At Wentworth, Jo went to the tap to get some water and it blew the top off the tap and Jo was soaked!! We could not find the tap anywhere and today, Pat found it inside the electric kettle that Jo had had in her hand!!
Today we did a drive to Renmark and Berri. The thing that stands out for me is the quality of the sports grounds. They are huge and green!!!
Found  the old Customs House and enroute visited the Heading Road Lookout that gave spectacular views of the Murray and especially the red cliffs here were really specky!!
On our way to Berri we visited the almond shop. Seems to be big industry here.
Weather continues to be cloudy but seems to fine up during the day. Beats all the rain that is happening back in Qld.

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