Wednesday 3 April 2013

April 3 Loxton- Berri- Barmera- Waikerie Round Trip

Our new best friend, a kookaburra, came to visit us this morning and sat in the tree above the camp. He showed off trying to give us his best profile. "No! Perhaps you might like take this side so I'll turn for you!" Had a lovely time clicking away.
Tonight, he came back and Pat was sitting at the table with a wine glass on the table. To our amazement, Kooka landed on her wine glass and sat there for quite a while. Unfortunately when he flew off, he tipped the glass!!! Pat lost her wine.
Today we did a trip to Waikerie via Bamera. Bamera has a huge lake, Lake Bonney. Donald Campbell attempted the boat speed record on this lake in the 60's.
The area we passed through today was grapes, grapes, grapes. At Waikerie, we crossed the Murray on a ferry and tried to find the cliff drive but it was elusive. On the way back, we called into Banrock Station to have some lunch. I just love the position of the winery as you can see across the wetlands. At this time of the year, the wetlands are drained and they do not refill them until July.
Managed to buy some more blood plums. Allan & I are hooked on them. Stewed them as we don't have to worry about the fly exclusion zone with the fruit cooked. Fruit stalls everywhere and quite cheap. There are also bags of butternut pumpkins for $5. No room and too many borders to cross to bring any home!

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