Monday 1 April 2013

Wentworth/Mildura/ Redcliffe/ Loxton

March 31- April 1 Wentworth - Loxton
We ended up staying at Wentworth (where the Darling R joins the Murray R). We had two campsites on the banks of the Darling River. It was such a great site. When we arrived there was a regatta happening and lots of people were there for the event. Once we had set up the campsite, we unhitched and set off to explore Mildura.  It is, in my humble opinion, an attractive city with lots of green space. We went to see the Weir and Lock 11 and were lucky enough to be there then the Paddle Steamer "Melbourne" was going through the lock. Visited the heritage listed homes which were quite lovely.
We then went for a drive to see the Red cliffs along the Murray at Redcliffs. Had a bit of trouble finding them but did so eventually. Also stopped to see the Billabong which is a birding site. Lots of black swans on the water but we were a bit far away.
We sat on the bank and watched the sun set. What a beautiful setting!

April 1.
Today we were on the road again and followed the Murray Valley Trail from Wentworth to Mildura.
There was a 128km of dirt road and the last 40 km was really corrugated. First sop was the Perry Sand dunes which date back 40 000 years to the ice age. Next stop was the bridge over the Great Darling Annabranch which was the ancient path of the Darling River. Passed Lake Victoria which seemed to have water in it. Passed the Rufus River where a massacre of aboriginal people occurred in the 1800's. Next stop was the NSW/SA border. We drove down the border fence trying to locate the old Custom House but didn't find it but we found Todd's Obelisk. It was set up in 1865 as the dispute over the border raged.
Finally drove on to Renmark and then on to Loxton. We are staying here for 3 days so that we can explore the surrounding area.

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