Friday 29 March 2013

Congratulations Pat & Allen - 50 years of marriage.

March 29 - 30 Lake Boga - Lake Benanee
Friday we had an easy drive from Lake Boga to Swan Hill then on to Robinvale/Euston. We are free camping on Lake Benanee. It is a huge lake but not sure of the depth. Was used by the old drovers taking cattle from Queensland down to Victoria/SA especially when the Murray was in flood.  There was once a fence around the whole lake.
This morning I awoke about 6.30 and could not believe the sky! It was a beautiful sunrise. The Lake was pink towards the west yet golden to the east. Had a lovely 15mins in the Golden Light. Today is also Pat & Allan's 50th Wedding Anniversary so we are having a special nibbles time this evening. Drove into Robinvale this morning and was it busy!!!! Took 20 mins for the coffee to arrived and we were lined up in the supermarket and at the petrol station. Quite overcast again after a beautiful day yesterday.

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