Monday 25 March 2013

Monday 25 March - Echuca

Allan and Pat spent the day with Allan's sister Elsa and her husband John while Jo & I went exploring the port of Echuca. The Port Authority is doing a wonderful job at restoring the wharfs and work is in progress. We did the port tour which included the tour of the port and two historic hotels. One of which, had an underground bar and an escape tunnel for the times when the pub was raided.
Echuca is regarded as the the paddle-steamer capital of Australia.  We did a one hour trip on the PS EmmyLou which is the only wood-fired paddle-steamer in the world to offer over night cruises. There are a number of paddle boats offering cruises including the PS Pevensey built in 1911 and was the one used in the mini-series "All The Rivers Run". The House boats are obviously very popular as there were lots of them anchored along the shore line.

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